Our Story
Our story began on the Ridge Road in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.
The Ridge Road is more than a place, it is our home. For the Haudenosaunee, it has been our home for generations. Relationship with land is innately tied with identity, ancestors, and family. Our legacy as educators begins and ends with the land. As caretakers of this land for future generations, it is our commitment to creating a lasting legacy that drives our ethos as an educational company.
Certified Indigenous Business
We are co-owned by two First Nations women (Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte), and are a proud member of the Canadian Council for Indigenous Business.
Our Promise
Engage. Enrich. Empower.
Our mission is to empower through collaboration. Together we identify and implement best practices that enhance your leadership capacities in Indigenous perspectives, social justice, equity, cultural responsiveness, and inclusivity.
It is our commitment to you, to the land, and to future generations yet to come that inspire us. Let us help you to articulate a vision and practice that is inclusive, just, and ethical to create a legacy for future generations.
ENGAGE: Genuinely engage across varying levels of stakeholders to listen, acknowledge, and understand the multifaceted perspectives that comprise your organization.
ENRICH: Listen and serve with the intent of enriching leadership,
competency, and socially just practices across all sectors of the organization.
EMPOWER: Through collaboration we empower your organization and the communities you serve.